Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Destini Howard dhoward@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Veverly Howard vhoward@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Timothy Hubbard thubbard@sydotnet.net 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Carol Ann Huber ahuber@sydotnet.net 662-846-4240 Math and Sciences
Lemarcus Hudson lvhudson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4059 Enrollment Management
Leslie Hudson mhudson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4574 Student Success Center
Lisa Hudson lhudson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Keelee Huff khuff@sydotnet.net 662-846-4300 Softball Women
Katherine Hughes kwhughes@sydotnet.net 662-846-4276 Nursing
Shericia Hughes shughes@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Elizabeth Hunter ethunter@sydotnet.net 662-846-4200 Dean of College of Business
Kotishma Hunter khunter@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Lauren Iozzio lniozzio@sydotnet.net 662-846-4065 Social Science
Harold Irvin wirvin@sydotnet.net 662-846-4300 Tennis-Men
Austin Jackman atjackman@sydotnet.net 662-846-4300 Soccer
Charles Jackson cjackson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Janice Jackson jdjackson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Jeffrey Jackson jajackson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Electrical
John Jackson jrjackson@sydotnet.net 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Julie Jackson jjackson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Director Facilities Management
Thomasa Jackson tnjackson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4190 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Gina Jenkins gjenkins@sydotnet.net 662-846-4110 Speech & Hearing Sciences
Renee Jenkins cjenkins@sydotnet.net 662-846-4263 Nursing
Michelle Johansen mjohansen@sydotnet.net 662-846-4170 Student Success Center
Angela Johnson ajohnson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4190 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Bernetta Johnson Not Available 662-846-4400 Child Development Center
Etosha Johnson ejohnson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4020 Enrollment Management
Katharine Johnson kjohnson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4355 Counselor Education & Psychology
Laquicia Johnson ljohnson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4058 Performing Arts Center
Mandy Johnson mjohnson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Benjamin Johnston bjohnstn@sydotnet.net 662-846-4720 Art
Maegan Johnston Tatum mtatum@sydotnet.net 662-846-4355 Counselor Education & Psychology
Barbara Jones bjones@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Bryan Jones cjones@sydotnet.net 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Elisha Jones emjones@sydotnet.net 662-846-4707 Grants and Contracts Office
Je'Keila Jones Not Available 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Lakirria Jones ljones@sydotnet.net 662-846-4670 Student Financial Assistance
Mechelle Jones mdjones@sydotnet.net 662-846-4046 Procurement
Christopher Jurgenson cjurgenson@sydotnet.net 662-846-4480 Math and Sciences
Chloe Kane ckane@sydotnet.net 662-846-4300 Women's Soccer
William Katembe jkatembe@sydotnet.net 662-846-4249 Math and Sciences
Amber Kincaid akincaid@sydotnet.net 662-846-4132 Foundation
Paula King pking@sydotnet.net 662-846-4690 Counseling & Student Health Service
Shukira King sking@sydotnet.net 662-846-4040 Registrar
James Kinnison mkinnisn@sydotnet.net 662-846-4300 Athletic Director
Andrew Kirkland akirkland@sydotnet.net 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Kelly Kirkland kkirkland@sydotnet.net 662-846-4106 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Bryson Knight bjknight@sydotnet.net 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Christina Knight clknight@sydotnet.net 662-846-4150 Student Affairs
Jennifer Knudsen jknudsen@sydotnet.net 662-846-4065 Social Science